Fashion Update Inc. was established in 1985. Fashion Update focuses on secret New York City designer showrooms and sample sales. President and owner, Sarah Gardner conducts shopping tours to the hottest designers in NYC. Sarah attracts thousands of shoppers national and international who save up to 90% off retail prices. Sarah Gardner is truly the bargain-ista in NYC.
While personally escorting shopping tours to the hottest designers in NYC, Sarah has expanded her promotional expertise to a host of other fields, developing a solid reputation for publicizing the best sources for fashion, accessories, beauty, home decor, restaurants, and education.
With over 30 years of experience Fashion Update has been featured on major TV segments, such as:
Holiday bargain deals on Fox 5 News
Sarah Gardner critiques the Golden Globe
Sarah of Fashion Update on CBS with Ivanka Trump 7/22/2016
CBS segment with Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton
Sarah Gardner with Pavlina Osta on NYC secret shopping deals
Payless Dresses on WPIX11, The Oscars red carpet looks 2017